Jumping numbers, animated digits counting from 1 to 100 or from 10 to 0. How to do it in PowerPoint?
It's not that difficult. Check out our short tutorial where we explain step by step how to create such dynamic animation with numbers. The key element of this process is the Morph function (in English PowerPoint, it's called Morph), which can be found in the Transitions tab.
The idea of Morph is to set a certain element on slide A, then duplicate the slide, and slightly modify the element - we can change its shape (e.g., elongate or shrink), change its position (move sideways), or change its color. In this case, the entire procedure involves moving individual columns with numbers up or down.
Morph is an interesting animation option. It helps capture the audience's attention, engage them more in the presentation, and strengthen the message. You can find more videos using the Morph option on our YouTube channel.
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