All Keyboard Shortcuts Available in PowerPoint on Mac

All Keyboard Shortcuts Available in PowerPoint on Mac

In a previous blog post, I promised you that we would publish the keyboard shortcuts available in various programs on different systems. Today, we're returning to this topic with a list of keyboard shortcuts for PowerPoint on Mac.

The list is divided into categories, and you'll find all available shortcuts here. If you want to quickly find the shortcut that interests you the most, you can search the page using Ctrl+F in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.

The plus sign (+) in a shortcut indicates that multiple keys need to be pressed simultaneously


Frequently used shortcuts

Create a new presentation: ⌘+N

Add a new slide: ⌘+Shift+N

Apply bold formatting to the selected text: ⌘+B

Open the Font dialog box: ⌘+T

Cut the selected text, object, or slide: ⌘+X

Copy the selected text, object, or slide: ⌘+C

Paste the cut or copied text, object, or slide: ⌘+V

Insert a hyperlink: ⌘+K

Insert a comment: ⌘+Shift+M

Undo the last action: ⌘+Z

Redo the last action: ⌘+Y

Go to the next slide: Page down

Go to the previous slide: Page up

Start the slide show: ⌘+Shift+Return

End the slide show: Esc

Print a presentation: ⌘+P

Save the presentation: ⌘+S

Close PowerPoint: ⌘+Q


Work with presentations and slides

Create a new presentation with a template from the PowerPoint template gallery: ⌘+Shift+P

Insert a new slide: ⌘+Shift+N

Go to the next slide: Page down

Go to the previous slide: Page up

Format slide background: ⌘+Shift+2

Zoom out: ⌘+Minus sign (-)

Zoom in: ⌘+Plus sign (+)

Zoom to fit: ⌘+Option+O

Make a copy of the selected slide: ⌘+Shift+D

Open a presentation: ⌘+O

Close a presentation: ⌘+W

Print a presentation: ⌘+P

Save a presentation with a different name, location, or file format: ⌘+Shift+S

Cancel a command, such as Save As: Esc

Move through multiple open presentations: ⌘+Tilde sign (~)

Open a recent file: ⌘+Shift+O


Copy objects and text

Cut selected object or text: ⌘+X

Copy selected object or text: ⌘+C

Paste cut or copied object or text: ⌘+V

Duplicate selected objects: Control+D or Control+Drag the mouse

Copy the formatting of the selected object or text: ⌘+Shift+C

Paste copied formatting to the selected object or text: ⌘+Shift+V

Copy animation: ⌘+Option+Shift+C

Paste animation: ⌘+Option+Shift+V

Open the Paste Special dialog box: ⌘+Control+V


Work in objects and text

Select another object when one object is selected: Tab key or Shift+Tab until the object you want is selected

Send object back one position: ⌘+Option+Shift+B

Send object forward one position: ⌘+Option+Shift+F

Send object to back: ⌘+Shift+B

Send object to front: ⌘+Shift+F

Select all objects on a slide: ⌘+A

Group the selected objects: ⌘+Option+G

Ungroup the selected objects: ⌘+Option+Shift+G

Regroup the selected objects: ⌘+Option+J

Rotate the selected object clockwise 15 degrees: Option+Right arrow key

Rotate the selected object counterclockwise 15 degrees: Option+Left arrow key

Play or pause media: Spacebar

Insert a hyperlink: ⌘+K

Insert a comment: ⌘+Shift+M

Format the selected object: ⌘+Shift+1

Resize selected objects: Shift+Arrow keys

Move the selected object in the direction of the arrow: Arrow keys or ⌘+Arrow keys


Select text

Select one character to the right: Shift+Right arrow key

Select one character to the left: Shift+Left arrow key

Select to the end of a word: Shift+Option+Right arrow key

Select to the beginning of a word: Shift+Option+Left arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the same point one line up: Shift+Up arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the same point one line down: Shift+Down arrow key

Select all text to the start of the line: ⌘+Shift+Left arrow key

Select all text to the end of the line: ⌘+Shift+Right arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the end of the paragraph: Shift+Option+Down arrow key

Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph: Shift+Option+Up arrow key

Select text within an object (with an object selected): Return

Select an object when the text inside the object is selected: Esc


Delete text

Delete one character to the left: Delete

Delete one word to the left: ⌘+Delete

Delete one character to the right: Function+Delete

Delete one word to the right (with the cursor between the words): Option+Function+Delete


Move around in text

Move one character to the left: Left arrow key

Move one character to the right: Right arrow key

Move one line up: Up arrow key

Move one line down: Down arrow key

Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the left: Option+Left arrow key

Move one word to the right: Option+Right arrow key

Move to the end of a line: End or Function+Right arrow key

Move to the beginning of a line: Home or Function+Left arrow key

Move to the beginning of a paragraph or up one paragraph: Option+Up arrow key

Move down one paragraph: Option+Down arrow key

Move to the start or end of all the text in the object you are editing: ⌘+Up or Down arrow key

Promote a paragraph: ⌘+Left bracket ([)

Demote a paragraph: ⌘+Right bracket (])


Find and replace text

Open the Search in Presentation search field: ⌘+F

Open the Find and Replace pane: ⌘+Shift+H: Top of Page


Format text

Open the Font dialog box: ⌘+T

Increase the font size of the selected text: ⌘+Shift+Right angle bracket (>)

Decrease the font size of the selected text: ⌘+Shift+Left angle bracket (<)

Open the Paragraph dialog box: Command+Option+M

Switch between sentence case, uppercase, or lowercase: Shift+F3

Apply bold formatting to the selected text: ⌘+B

Apply an underline to the selected text: ⌘+U

Apply italic formatting to the selected text: ⌘+I

Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing): ⌘+Control+Equal sign ( = )

Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing): ⌘+Control+Shift+Equal sign ( = )

Remove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript: Control+Spacebar

Center a paragraph: ⌘+E

Justify a paragraph: ⌘+J

Left align a paragraph: ⌘+L

Right align a paragraph: ⌘+R


Work with tables

Move to the next cell: Tab key

Move to the preceding cell: Shift+Tab

Move to the next line or row: Down arrow key

Move to the preceding line or row: Up arrow key

Insert a tab in a cell: Option+Shift+Tab

Start a new paragraph in a cell: Return

Add a new row at the bottom of the table (with the cursor in the last cell of the last row): Tab key


Move a slide

Move the selected slide or section up in order: ⌘+Up arrow key

Move the selected slide or section down in order: ⌘+Down arrow key

Move the selected slide or section to the beginning: ⌘+Shift+Up arrow key

Move the selected slide or section to the end: ⌘+Shift+Down arrow key


Work with views and panes

Switch to Normal view: ⌘+1

Switch to Slide Sorter view: ⌘+2

Switch to Notes Page view: ⌘+3

Switch to Outline View: ⌘+4

Switch to Slide Master view: ⌘+Option+1

Switch to Handout Master view: ⌘+Option+2

Switch to Notes Master view: ⌘+Option+3

Switch to Presenter view: Option+Return

Switch to slide show: ⌘+Shift+Return

Toggle between Outline View and thumbnail pane: Control+Shift+Tab

Switch to full screen (hide menus): ⌘+Control+F

Show or hide guides: ⌘+Option+Control+G

Show or hide the grid: Shift+F9

Cycle clockwise through panes in the Normal view: F6

Cycle counterclockwise through panes in the Normal view: Shift+F6

Select all text in the Outline View: ⌘+A

Select all slides in the Slide Sorter view or the thumbnail pane: ⌘+A

Show the help menu: F1


Other useful shortcut keys

Switch Drawing mode on and off: ⌘+Control+Z

Show Thesaurus entry for a selected word: ⌘+Option+Control+R


I have to say, I'm surprised by the difference in the number of shortcuts between Windows and Mac. Nonetheless, I think everyone can find some on this list that they will use in their work.


Paula Szypula

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